what ideas can you come up with?

February 8, 2010

I was in the past year in Zimbabwe and on my tour of the country  I ended up at this hotel in Chinhoyi. At one time when I visited Zimbabwe I had difficult time finding a room at this very big hotel, however this time I had no problems at all. I did not ask why it had suddenly become so easy to get a room at this hotel, because I was too tired and was very happy to get the room for the night. the next morning I went to have breakfast and well the dining hall was empty. So I asked the lady who was serving us where all the guests where and she looked at me and said “You are all the guests”just two people! At that time I began to wonder about all kinds of things e.g. the hotels revenues, business process if they had one, and most importantly what innovative ideas should the hotel implement to at least start having some revenues coming in.  it was really heartbreaking to see this very beautiful hotel from outside, yet empty inside. If you have any innovative  ideas on how this Hotel can generate income share them…..